
HOME > Compass Publishing > Skill

Grammar Success 1


Writer Jin Zeter
ISBN 978-1-59966-561-0
Target Elementary - Intermediate
CEFR Level A2
Page/Size 84p / 210*278

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- Sixteen 4-page units presenting a controlled, systematic range of grammar topics
- Clear grammar explanations with accompanying illustrations and examples
- A variety of fun and educational exercises ranging from simple recognition of word types to error correction to full-sentence production
- Speaking activities designed to increase fluency
- Four unit reviews and a final test
- Writing workbook with additional practice exercises available
- Answer keys available online

Unit Structure
- Grammar Rules: Clear explanation of the target grammar point
- Practice: Simple exercise with summarized grammar point
- More Practice: More focused exercise with writing
- Challenge: Improved exercise with writing full sentences
- Pair Work: Writing and speaking activity to work with a partner
- Review: Review tests after every four units
- Final Test: Review the whole book


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