
HOME > Compass Publishing > Skill

Speaking by Speaking Skills for Social Competence

Writer David W. Dugas / Ronald T. DesRosiers
ISBN 978-1-59966-571-9
Target Pre-advanced
FK Level 7.95
CEFR Level B2
Page/Size 108p / 210*278

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- Sociolinguistic framework
- Communicative speaking practice
- Brainstorming activities to access prior, topic-related vocabulary
- Guided speaking to build conversational skills
- Grammar and usage components to examine their varied functions in communication
- Choral reading as an intensive listening exercise
- Various, colorful, and informative charts
- Comprehensive and issue-specific graphs
- Multiple, helpful, and practical tables

[Part A]
- I. Warm-Ups: 3 Warm up activities – Brainstorming, Listening, and Useful Expressions.
- II. Listening & Speaking: Listening a dialogue, Using key expressions in different conversations.
- III. Description: Developing analytical and mathematical thinking skills through Charts, Graphs, Tables, and learning grammar.
- IV. Reading and Discussions: Reading passage and giving questions.
[Part B]
- I. Warm-Ups: 3 Warm up activities - Listening, Dictation, and Useful Expressions
- II. Listening & Speaking: Listening a dialogue, giving an opportunity to express their opinions.
- III. Description : Same as Part A
- IV. Reading and Discussions : Same as Part A

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