
HOME > Compass Publishing > Skill

Just Speak Up 1


Writer Olga Geissler
ISBN 978-1-59966-416-3
Target Upper-intermediate
CEFR Level B1+
Page/Size 88p / 210*278mm

Downloadable materials can be sent to your e-mail.

 •200 speaking prompts in each book
 •Thematically organized speaking prompts presented along with activities for listening, brainstorming, note-taking, pair-work, and group work.
 •Sample responses for all speaking prompts recorded and written to support pronunciation  practice and vocabulary development
 •Additional thematically organized speaking prompts available online


Part 1 Listening warm-up – students focus on three speaking prompts by listening to sample responses to each prompt
Part 2 Brainstorming – students categorize vocabulary related to the unit theme and then brainstorm additional vocab related to the categories
Part 3 Sample dialogs – students read and listen to dialogs modeling sample responses to three speaking prompts
Part 4 Interviews – students write notes to help them speak their own answers to the prompts fro part 3; then, students interview each other and take notes on their partners’ answers
Part 5

students report the information they learned from one of the students interviewed in part 4

Part 6

Listening – students match prompts to sample responses that they hear

Part 7 Extended speaking – students give their own answers for one of the three prompts from part 6; plan answer for 30 seconds and then speak for 1-2 minutes.
Extra Practice Four additional prompts for speaking (can be used as group discussion or pair-work)
